Finsbury Circus

Front Door Respray London

Finsbury Circus - London

Time Frame: 1 Day

Completed in: 1 Day

Our client’s business is high class, and they wanted to keep on top of this beautiful entrance. Of the existing Black / Brown that had weathered over the years, they chose to keep the same colour to re-vamp on double doors and patio sliding doors with side and top lights on both sides.

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Our Process

  • Rub down all areas
  • Degreased
  • Primer was applied
  • Prepared & sprayed to a perfect finish

Work Carried Out: We prepped the areas to be sprayed and used bagging and tape to ensure no overspray to other areas. We then rubbed down and scorched; once this was done, we degreased, primed and sprayed in Black/ Brown. Our client was really pleased with the polished finish and how efficient the customer journey was from start to finish.

Equipment Used: 2.5 litres of paint, bagging, yellow tape.

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